LOVING Community Homes for
Veterans, Disabled Adults and
Foster Care

LOVING Community GROUP Homes for
Veterans, Disabled Adults and
Foster Care
What Are 'Harold's Homes'?
Harold Homes are Not-for-Profit Group Homes for Veterans, Disabled Adults and eventually our goal is to fill the growing void of Loving and Nurturing environments for children in need of Foster Care. Harold's Homes was named after Harold W. Moore, a Decorated Veteran of World War II, a highly respected resident of the Southeast Community since the 1940's, and the late grandfather of Misty Frost. She felt what better way to honor his legacy than to Do just what he did, make people Feel 'At Home'.
Always be comfortable and 'At Home' at Harold's Homes. Our focus is to make sure that you or your loved one(s) feel that way. We start off by getting to know who you and/or they are, and take note of those details that not only show that we are listening...but show that we care about the welfare and happiness of our residents.
If needed, Personal Long-Term Care is provided by certified Personal Care Aides and Certified Nursing Aides. If residents qualify or already have Long-Term Care services through the State, we are able to provide housing and smoothly transfer services without any loss of hours for care. For residents that don't qualify for assistance through the State, our hourly rates are very affordable and we have packages that we can customize. Also, because Harold's Homes is a not-for-profit organization, we actively do fundraising and always look for ways to reduce and/or cover any 'out-of-pocket' expenses for our residents.
Relax... You are HOME at Harold's Homes!
If you are interested in getting more information about 'Harold's Homes', feel free to let us know.
We ALWAYS Welcome Donations! ALL money will be used for SOLELY for the maintenance of 'Harold's Homes' and the care of its residents. If you would like to make a donation, just hit the link below. You will receive a receipt to be used for your records. THANK YOU in advance!!